Agricultural Credit Risk Guarantee Scheme

GIRSAL’s Credit Risk Guarantee Scheme provides participating financial institutions with up to 70% credit risk guarantee on agricultural loans. The scheme mitigates agricultural lending risks and provides an incentive for financial institutions to lend more to agribusinesses.

Banks, Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions, Non-Bank
Financial Institutions, Rural, Community Banks, and other qualifying financial institutions are eligible to participate in GIRSAL’s Credit Guarantee scheme.

Participating Financial Institutions

Supporting All Agricultural Value Chains and Activities

GIRSAL’s credit guarantee scheme supports financial institution’s lending to all agricultural sectors, commodities and value chain activities

All agricultural value chain activities are supported including input supply, primary production, processing, aggregation, transportation, storage, marketing, export and more.

Agric Credit Risk Guarantee Scheme F.A.Q.

It provides credit risk guarantees to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) on agribusiness loans thereby providing them with the comfort and support to lend more to the agricultural sector.  Learn More

GIRSAL’s guarantee is a cash-backed guarantee with a zero % risk rating from the Bank of Ghana.

Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs). Financial Institutions that have signed GIRSAL’s Master Agreement

Banks, Specialized Deposit-Taking institutions, Non-bank financial institutions, Rural and Community Banks and other financial institutions that meet the eligibility criteria. Contact GIRSAL for more details on joining the CRG scheme

Agribusiness loans to all agricultural value chains within all sub-sectors (horticulture, cereals, tree crops, roots and tubers, legumes, poultry, aquaculture, livestock etc) are covered. The CRG covers all agricultural value chain activities (inputs, production, processing, aggregation, transportation, storage, marketing, export etc) Learn More

GIRSAL CRG covers up to 70% of agricultural loan principal. The guarantee does not cover the interest component of the loan. The level of cover is determined on a case-by-case basis. Agricultural loans to high-risk value chain activities such as production may receive the maximum cover.

GIRSAL’s credit guarantees are valid for a period of 12 month and may be renewed annually for loans whose tenor exceeds 1 year.

  • New applications attract a fee of 1% of the guaranteed value (0.25% processing fee, and 0.75% guarantee fee)
  • Renewals attract a fee of 0.75% on the remaining guaranteed value

Fees are to be paid by the applying financial institution

No. GIRSAL’s Credit Risk Guarantee is primarily for financial institutions. Agribusiness may benefit indirectly by applying for a loan from any of GIRSAL Participating Financial Institutions. Learn More

No. GIRSAL does not offer a direct guarantee to agribusinesses.

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Credit Guarantee Scheme

Updated: January 31, 2024

5+ Years

Operating since July 2019

35 PFIs

Participating financial institutions


  • Issued agricultural credit guarantees valued at
    GHS 725.94 M to 18 financial institutions
  • 18 financial institutions supported with agric loan application assessment, structuring and management


  • Granted GIRSAL guaranteed loans valued at over
    GHS 1.49 B 
    to agribusinesses

  • Over GHS 502.36 M worth of guarantees loans successfully repaid


  • 146 agribusinesses benefitted from GIRSAL guaranteed loans, located in 76 districts in 15 regions throughout Ghana
  • Value Chain Activities supported: Inputs, Production, Aggregation, Processing, Marketing, Services, Export