Ghana Cares Guarantee Scheme

Ghana Care Guarantee Scheme (GCGS) is a direct policy intervention by the government of Ghana to sustain businesses after the COVID 19 pandemic and ensure there is adequate financing available for businesses.

The Scheme is administered through GIRSAL, who in partnership with financial institutions, provides support to private medium and large businesses in Ghana. The Ghana Cares Guarantee Scheme was launched on October 6, 2020.

The two – year scheme successfully concluded in December 2022.

Participating Financial Institutions


The Scheme is designed to:

GCGS has achieved
the following

Updated: May 30, 2022

Participating Financial Institutions
Value of Guarantees
GHS 27.3 M
Jobs Safeguarded

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The Facility will focus mainly on medium to large businesses.
  2. Typically, the business annual turnover should exceed GHS 10 million or it should employ more than 100 workers.
  3. Businesses should be in good standing regarding obligations to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and to SSNIT as at 31st December 2019.
  4. Businesses to have updated all necessary regulatory obligations as at September 30, 2020.

Application Process

  1. Apply for a loan through your existing financial institution (FI).
  2. Banks/FI will undertake the credit appraisal.
  3. Banks/FI will submit the credit guarantee request to GCGS if they are willing to lend.
  4. GCGS assesses the credit guarantee request.
  5. Credit guarantee recommendation goes to the GIRSAL board sub-committee for approval.
  6. Credit guarantee decisions are communicated to the Bank/FI, and through Bank/FI to the customer.
  7. Bank/FI provides an offer letter to business if credit guarantee is approved.
  8. Payment of GCGS application fee of 1% of the guarantee value.


Ghana Cares Guarantee Scheme

Updated: January 31, 2024

12 PFIs

Participating financial institutions


Issued credit guarantees valued at GHS 44.64 M to financial institutions


Granted GCGS guaranteed loans valued at over GHS 300.37 M to businesses in various industries


Industries supported: Hospitality, Medical, Aviation, Transport and Manufacturing

1,846  jobs safeguarded